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(Please make this a maximum of 100 characters and unique.)
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Link to a live preview on your own hosting (i.e. https://my-site.com/demo/).

Item Price

$6 minimum. $96 maximum. Decimals will be rounded. This is the Item Price for the Regular License Review the fee structure for information about pricing.
$200 minimum. $4800 maximum. Decimals will be rounded. This is the Item Price for the Extended License

Choose discount amount

Original price

Status: No scheduled discount

About discounted pricing:
  • The entire discount amount is deducted from the item price only (see discounted item price column for details).
  • Final prices are rounded down to the nearest whole dollar amount.
Discount amount Discounted item price Buyer fee Discounted purchase price
$14 $4 $18
$12 $4 $16
$10 $4 $14
$8 $4 $12
$6 $4 $10
$4 $4 $8
$2 $4 $6

Choose Discount Period


Date and time is AEST.

Discount terms

Items are eligible for a discount if:
  • They have had the same price for at least 30 consecutive days prior to the scheduled discount period
  • They have not been discounted for more than 60 days days in the 12-month period before the scheduled discount
  • Item price and discount cannot be edited or canceled during the scheduled discount period.

Update Files & Tags

Drag & drop files here
Open the file Browser
  • No files uploaded.
730px x 440px icon image (.JPG or .PNG)
.ZIP file - Contains all files for buyers (don't include screenshots etc).
.ZIP file with screenshot images
Maximum of 15 keywords covering features, usage, and styling. Keywords should all be in lowercase and separated by commas. e.g. photography, gallery, modern, jquery, wordpress theme
*Optional* - Anything you would like the reviewer to know before reviewing your changes.

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