Create New Course Today... It’s Simple!

Simply fill in the form below to submit your course. Remember to read oursubmission guidlines.

Please note: If you submit a course copied from another source or violate any copyright restrictions we can ban you from our systems and commission payments for any themes can be withheld. This also applies if a course is non-exclusive and is submitted as exclusive.

(Please make this a maximum of 100 characters and unique.)
220 words
Student will gain this skills, knowledge after completing this course. (One per line).
What knowledge, technology, tools required by users to start this course. (One per line).
1 Keyword. e.g. React, Angular, PHP, C#, Photography etc



lecture Title
Quiz Title
Assignment Title
Intro Course overview provider type. (.mp4, YouTube, Vimeo etc.)
File Format: .mp4
Size: 590x300 pixels. Supports: jpg,jpeg, or png

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