You have declined this refund

Request sent
March 03, 2021 (7 days ago)
Main refund reason
Has the item been downloaded?
Purchase date
March 03, 2021 (7 days ago)
Purchase code
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Customer's request


Is to hard to understand how may i edit modify pages , and first of all doesn't work on WordPress most of the file are in HTMLand as you all ready know html file doesnt work on wordpress and the second thing but not the least one thing is presented in the description it say is a lms theme so why doesn't work on wplms or other cms Education scripts anyway i am not satisfied with the product at all

Jassica William
Refund declined

This is not a WordPress Theme, it's a HTML Template. You cannot install it as a WordPress Theme. You need to create your own backend using a web development programming language like PHP, Angular, React or Node JS. Unfortunately after you've downloaded the package, we cannot give you refund.
