Create New Project Today... It’s Simple!

Simply fill in the form below to submit your theme. Remember to read oursubmission guidlines.

Please note: If you submit a theme copied from another source or violate any copyright restrictions we can ban you from our systems and commission payments for any themes can be withheld. This also applies if a theme is non-exclusive and is submitted as exclusive.

(Please make this a maximum of 100 characters and unique.)
(Selling this item exclusively on Micko will give you 60-70% commission for each sale, while selling non-exclusively gives you 40-45% commission.Read our Commission Details for further information.)
Drag & drop files here
Open the file Browser
  • No files uploaded.
730px x 440px icon image (.JPG or .PNG)
.ZIP file - Contains all files for buyers (don't include screenshots etc).
.ZIP file with screenshot images
Link to a live preview on your own hosting (i.e.
Maximum of 15 keywords covering features, usage, and styling. Keywords should all be in lowercase and separated by commas. e.g. photography, gallery, modern, jquery, wordpress theme

Item Price

$6 minimum. $96 maximum. Decimals will be rounded. This is the Item Price for the Regular License Review the fee structure for information about pricing.
$200 minimum. $4800 maximum. Decimals will be rounded. This is the Item Price for the Extended License

I agree that my theme complies with the following conditions regarding copyright: All code, images, or any other assets that are not my own work have been appropriately licensed for use in the sale of this theme. Aside from any licensed assets, this work is entirely my own and I have full rights to sell it on Micko. I also have read and understood the submission guidelines and comply with all the terms within these guidelines